Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Homework for the week of 1/23/12






Kym's Class:1+ pages of facts about your science essay translated into your own words. (this will be about 600 words)

Science reading and review questions section one chapter 5

Kym's Class:1+ pages of facts about your science essay translated into your own words. (this will be about 700 words)

Science Writeup

Rough Draft Newsletter

Kym's Class: Essay on your reply from career questions.


Lesson 74

Investigation 5

7.1 13-29, 30, 31, 32,-50 Even


Kym's Class: 1st body paragraph

Kym's Class: 1st body paragraph

Kym's Class: work on research paper including working thesis


Kym's Class: 1st body paragraph

Kym's Class: 1st body paragraph

Kym's Class: work on research paper

7.2 13-29, 29-37, 43-51 odd.

Next Week

Kym's class: Intro and body paragraphs and Illustrations (everything except conclusion)

Kym's class: Intro and body paragraphs and Illustrations (everything except conclusion)

Kym's class: Have a first draft of research paper facts drawn into paragraphs--I would expect over 2 pages (Final version 3 pages minimum)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homework for the Week of January 12, 2012






Test 13

Lesson 48

Science Paper:

Explain how to find density- Illustrated

What effect does density have on Buoyancy?

How can Archimedes see if the crown is real?

6.7: 8-28 Even
39-41, 44-49, 53-61, 62-67


Lesson 49

6.8 18, 19, 25, 36-41, 59-61, 65-70


Kym's Class: Presley Piece or Continuing Story edited and Thesis sentence for science report.

Kym's Class: Presley Piece or Continuing Story edited and Thesis sentence for science report.

Kym's Class: Presley Piece edited and questions for interview, organize journal and ?


Lesson 72

Lesson 50

Chapter review and summary, 6.6-6.8 even problems only

Next Week

Science: Read Ch. 5 section one, and answer review questions. Due Wednesday

Science: Illustrated description of what we did and graph of results. Due Monday


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Homework for the Week of 01/6/2012






Lesson 67

Kym's Class due Monday: Final Cartoon ready to be scanned and added to blog.

Lesson 45

Kym's Class due Monday: Final Cartoon ready to be scanned and added to blog.

6.4 23-26, 28, 35-38, 43-49, 56-58, 67-69

K: Gage

E: Plants

M: Chemicals

All: Materials List in digital form.

Kym's Class due Monday: Job essay ready for blog


Lesson 68
Test 8

6.5 18-20, 25-28, 37-40, 44-48, 52-54, 62, 63, 70-72, 79-81


Kym's Class: Write the middle of the continuing story that began in class.

Lesson 68

Kym's Class: Write the middle of the continuing story that began in class. Presley, Write any fiction story.

Lesson 46

6.6 25-27, 28-31, 38-40, 55-60.

Kym's Class: Start gathering papers for AR application. For Kym and Gail Research current employment opportunities. Keep a journal of what you do. (This should be minimal writing but clippings and printing out information. Remember Monster


Lesson 70

Lesson 47

6.6.1 Problems 47-51, Quiz 2.

Next Week

Science Paper:

Explain how to find density- Illustrated

What effect does density have on Buoyancy?

How can Archimedes see if the crown is real?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Homework for the Week of 01/02/2012







Bring Reading Book

Bring Reading Book
Investigation 4

Kym's Class: Cartoon Dialogue
Page 787 Multiples of 3

Go to

Register with Google account.

Kym's Class:Minimum of 10 sentences. Journal entry explaining career test and career choice and why.


Kym's Class: Cartoon Dialogue

Lesson 41

Kym's Class: Cartoon Dialogue

6.2: 31, 32, 41-49, 57-61, 65-67, 71-73, 76, 77, 88-90

Kym's Class:Minimum of 10 sentences. Journal entry explaining career test and career choice and why.


Kym's Class: Refining the cartoon

Kym's Class: Write 5 paragragh essay imagining your job. Minimum 25 sentences

Next Week

Kym's Class due Monday: Final Cartoon ready to be scanned and added to blog.

Read your section of Ecology of Dam Removal

Kym's Class due Monday: Final Cartoon ready to be scanned and added to blog.

Read your section of Ecology of Dam Removal

K. Gage

M. Chemicals

E. Plants

All: Materials List

Kym's Class due Monday: Write a 5 paragraph essay on what someone in your chosen profession actually does. This should be based on research. Journal with citations what you did for research.

Read your section of Ecology of Dam Removal